给宝宝的中英文生日祝福语,宝宝生日祝福语_祝福语大全 |
宝贝,看到你快乐成长,我们由衷感到:无论我们经历了多少艰辛,都是值得的。 Baby, saw joyfully grows to you, we heartfelt felt:Regardless of we experienced how many to be difficult, all was is worth.妈妈有三个愿望:一是你爸爸顺利工作二是家人都健康三是你快快长大。 Mother has three desires:One is your daddy smoothly works Two is the family members is all healthy Three is you grows up in a big hurry我的孩子,不要胆怯,不要回头,勇敢的迈开脚步向前走吧! My child, do not have to be timid, do not have to turn head, brave starts to walk the footsteps to walk to front! 孩子,你知道吗?当你出生的那一刹那,妈妈就感到是世界上最幸福的人! The child, you knows? When you are born that flash, mother felt is in the world the happiest person! 孩子,妈妈没有离开你,妈妈就藏在你黑黑的眼瞳里。 The child, mother has not left you, mother on Tibet in you black eye pupil.孩子,你的到来点亮了生命,为生活赋予了全新的意义。 The child, your arrival has lightened mother life,has entrusted with the brand-new significance for mother life.孩子,可要记住,哭泣的时候,妈妈就在这里等着你。 Child, but must remember, sobs, mother is waiting for you in here
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